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Pesawat tanpa awak Hamas berhasil menembus Tel Aviv, Israel |
Wakil Kepala Biro Politik Hamas, Musa Abu Marzuq, mengatakan untuk pertama kali tentang kepemilikan pesawat tanpa awak oleh al Qassam.
''Pesawat ini memiliki peran dalam mendeteksi sejumlah target militer Zionis Israel,'' tegas Abu Marzuq kepada kantor berita Arab 'Quds Press' seperti dikutip Infopalestina.
Abu Marzuq menegaskan bahwa pesawat ini berhasil melakukan pengintaian udara dua kali sebelum agresi terakhir ke Jalur Gaza. Pesawat berhasil memotret dan mendeteksi target-target militer Zionis.
Pesawat kembali ke pangkalan dengan selamat tanpa bisa dideteksi oleh teknologi canggih Zionis.
''Pesawat 'hantu' itulah yang langsung ada dalam benak orang,'' tulis Infopalestina. ''Apakah itu berupa pesawat pembunuh Amerika berukuran besar yang mampu terbang tinggi membawa peralatan teknologi canggih sehingga sulit dideteksi oleh radar?''
Yang pasti, tulis Infopalestina, perlawanan Palestina nampaknya telah mampu mengembagkan pesawat 'hantu' yang tidak terdeteksi oleh radar. Karena jika tidak, pastilah penjajah Israel sudah menjatuhkannya dengan segera.
Abu Marzuq menegaskan bahwa kemampuan Brigade Alqassam masih selamat seratus persen. Bahkan, Alqassam mengembangkannya lebih banyak lagi.
“Sekarang ini ada uji coba yang sukses membuat pesawat tanpa awak. Pesawat ini berhasil melakukan dua uji coba sebelum perang mengambil gambar sejumlah target dan kembali dengan selamat,” katanya.
Bahasa Inggris:
GAZA - Could drone Palestinians have a real role in the eight-day battle opponents Gaza some time ago. If so, why its existence is not detected by Israeli planes.
Deputy Head of the Hamas Political Bureau, Musa Abu Marzuq, said for the first time about the ownership of the drone by al Qassam.
'' It has a role in detecting a number of Israeli military targets,'' firmly Abu Marzuq told the Arabic 'Quds Press' as quoted Infopalestina.
Abu Marzuq confirmed that the plane was successfully conducted aerial reconnaissance twice before the recent aggression on Gaza. The plane managed to capture and detect the Zionist military targets.
The aircraft returned safely to base without being able to be detected by advanced technology Zionists.
'' Aircraft 'ghost' that is directly present in people's minds,'' wrote Infopalestina. '' Is it a large American killer aircraft that can fly high to bring advanced technology equipment so difficult to detect by radar?''
To be sure, write Infopalestina, the uprising appears to have been able to mengembagkan plane 'ghosts' that are not detected by the radar. Because if not, must have been dropped by the Israeli occupation authorities immediately.
Abu Marzuq confirmed that the ability Brigade Alqassam survived one hundred percent. In fact, Alqassam develop more.
"Right now there is a successful test makes unmanned aircraft. The aircraft was successfully conducted two trials before the war took the picture a number of targets and returned safely, "he said.
Sumber: Republika.co.id
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